Justin Smith

Caution! Justin Smith – Chilliwack, British Columbia

Name: Justin Smith
City: Chilliwack, BC CAN
Age: 43
Race: White
Height: 6′ 3”
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

There is no proof he has HPV but there is a rumor from an ex that he does, he has a history of not using condoms and not even sure he knows what a condom is or how to use one.

He has cheated on his partners a few times and got a married co-worker pregnant at one point, you do not want to date him.

He may find this post humiliating, but we frankly don't care maybe a little humiliation will teach him a lesson, but we hope by reporting him on this site others will be able to ever avoid dating him or if they see him on a dating app they can swipe the other way.

He has lived in a few city's besides Chilliwack. #justinsmith #hpv #chilliwack #britishcolumbia

Source: Caution! Justin Smith – Chilliwack, British Columbia

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One Comment

  1. I want to feel bad for people on sites like this, but then I think well maybe they did do something to deserve being here, dunno but I’d avoid dating anyone on here.

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