Shaune Hyla

Danger! Shaune Hyla – HILLS, Pennsylvania

Name: Shaune Hyla
Age: 52
Race: White
Height: 5′ 0”
Weight: 260 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

BEWARE OF SHAUNE HYLA !!! I was warned by her so called friend,
who told me that she will and was only using me for money. She has
no problem or issue throwing around the word Love to you, to get
what she wants. She uses men to her ability, to get hers!! She will tell
you the sad life story that how rough she had it while she was with
her kid's dad. And knowing that, I let my guard down and gave her the
benefit of the doubt and took a chance anyways. I can go on and on
about SHAUNE and how her true colors finally came out, and who she
is as a person!! And this part of the message goes out to the guys
shes dating now, if you think youre the only one that will ever
receive nude pictures of her, think again! I have explicit pictures and
videos of her, so like I said, if you think youre the only guy thats ever
received them or will ever receive them. Not true!! SHAUNE is not
girlfriend material, And keep this
in the back your head or in your mind, Im sure that you knew
SHAUNE was in a relationship, but she proved to you that she will
cheat and step out on a relationship to get what she wants. So she
not only proved to you that shes a cheater!! But also shes a liar!!
And a home wrecker!! That you both are capable of
cheating on one another in time!! And finally, to sum it all up.Shaune is like a public washing machine with lots of
loads put in it !!
Just to add to this post & warning about Shaune, in March of 2022, I
was diagnosed with and tested positive with a STD. Shaune was the
only one I was with during our supposedly time dating, & being
together. After finding out about her multiple other relationships, even
when she did admit to me in the month of September of 2022, that she
had been seeing others & multiple men other than myself. I know now,
that Shaune is and could be the only one I contracted STDs from. This
is just to warn anyone dating or involved with this person!! Be
careful!!! You have been warned. #shaunehyla #genitalherpes #hills #pennsylvania

Source: Danger! Shaune Hyla – HILLS, Pennsylvania

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