James Carrey

Danger! James Carrey – Los Angeles, California

Name: James Carrey
City: Los Angeles, CA USA
Age: 57
Race: White
Height: 6′ 2”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

"It could have come from somebody before me" was comedian Jim Carrey's defense when ex-girlfriend Cathriona White texted him with the news that she had a Herpes outbreak. White eventually killed herself in 2015 and her family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Carrey alleging among other things that Carrey had given her Herpes by having sex with her and not telling her about it. As part of the claim a STD test was produced stating that White had tested negative in 2011 before meeting Carrey. That test was eventually exposed as a forgery created as part of an extortion scheme and the lawsuit was dismissed. It turns out Carrey was right. White's Herpes came from somebody before him.

It is common for celebrities facing Herpes lawsuits to use the defense that it could have been someone else that infected the plaintiff. That is because a lot of celebrities like Jim Carrey have Herpes and it is the next best defense to saying that they don't have Herpes at all. Carrey obviously has Herpes because if he did not he would have used that as his first defense. #jamescarrey #genitalherpes #losangeles #california

Source: Danger! James Carrey – Los Angeles, California

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