Sarah Buchanan

Danger! Sarah Buchanan – Sydney, New South Wales

Name: Sarah Buchanan
City: Sydney, AU
Age: 33
Race: White
Height: 5′ 5”
Weight: 75 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Unfortunately, i remember this young lady, (who was a nurse at the time) for all the wrong reasons.

She infected me years ago, something i won't ever forget, as it has completely destroyed my life – I will and can never be the same. I hope she hasn't destroyed other peoples lives.

Until the day comes when there is CURE, I will happily remove this. Until then, I don't want other suscectible blokes endangering their lives like i did. The reason why i am posting here is for that reason alone, not for hate, revenge, or any other reason, but to warn others about her…. She doesn't tell you about her disease, you just get the symptoms and by then you're well and truly f'ed till the day you die. Hence remembering someone who gave you a slow painful death sentence for the rest of your entire life.

People like her shouldn't exist. I would NEVER wish this virus upon anyone, and can't for the life of me, work out why, or how someone like her is capable of doing what she did.

Completely selfish, infecting perfectly healthy individuals, probably in an attempt to destroy other peoples lives.

What she has done should warrant a life sentence or death penalty.

#sarahbuchanan #genitalherpes #sydney #newsouthwales

Source: Danger! Sarah Buchanan – Sydney, New South Wales

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