shelby  micmilyan

Danger! Dayton Geddings – Mexico, New York

Name: Dayton Geddings
City: Mexico, NY USA
Age: 22
Race: White
Height: 6′ 4”
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

I was dating Dayton and he himself infected me with the disease. He lied to me about being a virgin, he raped me, and then on the day I found out (Valentine's Day) he bold faced lied to me about it and claimed I cheated on him and got it from the "other guy" and told me he NEVER had it… I had been completely faithful to him. He even denied raping me and giving me the disease. I found out when I was in so much pain that I couldn't even stand up and found out I had caught herpes from him. He's infected 5 other girls including me and he'll continue to infect others until someone puts a stop to his tirade! I'm stepping up and protecting others by telling you about him in hopes that it stops him infecting others and feeling no remorse after doing so! He told everyone I gave them to him but I was a virgin with a clean bill of health before I was raped by him and after I was raped by him, I ended up with this disease. I found out who gave it to him and everything but far too long AFTER I was infected. DO NOT DATE OR SLEEP WITH THIS MAN! He will not inform you of having the disease just to get in your pants and when he does and you get infected, he'll come up with some lie as to how you got them or as to how he got them. He's not trustworthy when it comes to something as serious as this! #daytongeddings #genitalherpes #mexico #newyork

Source: Danger! Dayton Geddings – Mexico, New York

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