Leon Thompson

Danger! Leon Thompson – Regina, NW Territories

Name: Leon Thompson
City: Regina, NT CAN
Age: 34
Race: Native American
Height: 6′ 2”
Weight: 300 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Does not inform you that he has it even when your doctor tells you about how long you've had it for. He says that because he has his twinrex shot he's protected against STD's and that you caught herpes from a papercut, a toilet seat or that it's airborn and you can catch it that way too. Then he'll lie even further and say he went to the doctor and his test results came back negative for everything and you can see the test results if you want then he won't talk to you anymore and blocks you on msn and facebook and doesn't answer his phone. #leonthompson #genitalherpes #regina #nwterritories

Source: Danger! Leon Thompson – Regina, NW Territories

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