Alexander Ferrer Carrero

Danger! Alexander Ferrer Carrero – Riverview, Florida

Name: Alexander Ferrer Carrero
City: Riverview, FL USA
Age: 48
Race: Hispanic & White
Height: 5′ 9”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Gray
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure


Be sure to check yourself if you've been with this man. Please click the "Reported By" link next to the carrier report number above his picture to contact us. We possess pre- and post-test results from a former partner that point directly to him. Evidence that he was warned of HPV in April 2023. Clinics and others have been trying to contact him with no luck. He refuses to take the tests.

This wasn't consent; this is personal injury in the state of Florida, which is considered battery or misdemeanor first-degree. Please be careful with this man. He works at the casino in Tampa. He is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol, which causes him to subconsciously "forget everything" the next day. He was seen with a female partner on 9/22/23. There is enough evidence to prosecute him.

Very disappointed to see the man he turned out to be.
Hopefully I can save a woman from the LIFE SENTECE he gave me. #alexanderferrercarrero #genitalherpes #riverview #florida

Source: Danger! Alexander Ferrer Carrero – Riverview, Florida

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