Alert! Caleb Abraham – Glasgow, Central Scotland

Alert! Caleb Abraham – Glasgow, Central Scotland

Name: Caleb AbrahamCity: Glasgow, UKAge: 19Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 9”Weight: 75 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: RedGender: MaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure He was my ex I only out because I had to get blood taken from doctors was deviated when I found out please share so this dirtbag…

Danger! Travis Conwell – Riverdale, Georgia

Danger! Travis Conwell – Riverdale, Georgia

Name: Travis ConwellCity: Riverdale, GA USAAge: 30Race: BlackHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 180 lbs. Eye Color: HazelHair Color: BlackGender: MaleSexual Orientation: Not SureDisclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure Travis Conwell is a very good con artist he makes females fall in love in walk all over them. He got me pregnant and did…

Warning! Karen Lowe – Wilmington, North Carolina

Warning! Karen Lowe – Wilmington, North Carolina

Name: Karen LoweCity: Wilmington, NC USAAge: 28Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 6”Weight: 160 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: BlondeGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure I first slept with karen lowe at a military base. Later on after not having any other sexual partners, I then decided to get checked. Where…

Danger! Deonte Madison – Toledo, Ohio

Danger! Deonte Madison – Toledo, Ohio

Name: Deonte MadisonCity: Toledo, OH USAAge: 38Race: BlackHeight: 6′ 1”Weight: 250 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: MaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure Deonte Madison of Toledo, Ohio Date of Birth March 27, 1981 Did not inform me that he contracted General Herpes from his ex, before dating me….

Danger! Bethany Maha – richmond, Virginia

Danger! Bethany Maha – richmond, Virginia

Name: Bethany MahaCity: richmond, VA USAAge: 23Race: Arab & BlackHeight: 7′ 0”Weight: 170 lbs. Eye Color: AmberHair Color: BlackGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure They got it from me. #bethanymaha #genitalherpes #richmond #virginia Source: Danger! Bethany Maha – richmond, Virginia

Alert! lily grant – kitmat, British Columbia

Alert! lily grant – kitmat, British Columbia

Name: lily grantCity: kitmat, BC CANAge: 37Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 205 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure lily grant is navtive women that lives in canada and that has stds and aids and hepatitis c she is spreading it around town. she assult…

Danger! Darren Ambler – Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Danger! Darren Ambler – Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Name: Darren AmblerCity: Cherry Hill, NJ USAAge: 43Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 8”Weight: 150 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: BlondeGender: MaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure Darren Ambler never seems to learn a lesson from his immoral and unacceptable behaviors.. What is amazing to me and others is the fact that…

Danger! Connie Hines – Pensacola, Florida

Name: Connie HinesCity: Pensacola, FL USAAge: 48Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 2”Weight: 120 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure I married a girl that has Genital Herpes. She did not tell me for over two years. During our depositions (which is public knowledge)for our divorce,…

Danger! Tamra L  Dicus – Kansas City, Missouri

Danger! Tamra L Dicus – Kansas City, Missouri

Name: Tamra L DicusCity: Kansas City, MO USAAge: 47Race: BlackHeight: 5′ 4”Weight: 135 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure Tamra claims to supports Black Lives Matter but she deliberately ruins lives & gives black men Herpes. She lacks integrity. She is poor representation…

Warning! Larry Stanfill – Vancouver, Washington

Warning! Larry Stanfill – Vancouver, Washington

Name: Larry StanfillCity: Vancouver, WA USAAge: 27Race: WhiteHeight: 6′ 1”Weight: 165 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: Light BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure He knowingly has hpv and genital herpes and upon his release from prison in 2009, we started into a strictly sexual relationship. He knew he…