Kenneth Lamont  Givens

Alert! Kenneth Lamont Givens – Hensley , Arkansas

Name: Kenneth Lamont Givens
City: Hensley , AR USA
Age: 43
Race: Black
Height: 5′ 7”
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Kenneth Givens knowingly expose me to HIV after on pressured sexual encounter. Days after intercourse I immediately go into what feel like flu symptoms, sore throat, fatigue, stomach soreness and pain lethargic etc . Not realizing from being bed bound with symptoms I haven't talked with Kenneth. He reaches out and tells me I'm sick. After a month later, throwing up blood vessels, severe diarrhea and vomiting clinging on to life in the hospital. Kenneth calls me and tells me he don't have long anyway. Hospital treated me for sepsis and Lyme disease. After discharge I follow up with PCP from what Kenneth tell me about his life of not having long. I request to be tested from 2 1/2 of celibacy prior to Kenneth for every STD possible. A week and a half later find out I'm HIV positive. Kenneth ghosted me. #kennethlamontgivens #hivandaids #hensley #arkansas

Source: Alert! Kenneth Lamont Givens – Hensley , Arkansas

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