Mason Wyler

Alert! Mason Wyler – Houston, Texas

Name: Mason Wyler
City: Houston, TX USA
Age: 27
Race: White
Height: 6′ 1”
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Self-described gay sex addict and popular porn star Mason Wyler announced his HIV status after being "outed" by a gossip website dedicated to gay porn. The article got its information form a since deleted blog post that accused Wyler of spreading diseases. Wyler said he decided to come clean about his HIV status so that he could dispel the rumors about him and make it clear that he was only having sex with other HIV positive people.

When announcing his HIV status Wyler posted several memorable quotes on his blog starting with "I have HIV and it kind of sucks" and "I have not gone around fucking, barebacking, or infecting HIV negative people. I am a sex fiend. I am NOT a monster". He then made a plea to people who were accusing him of non-disclosure to stop doing so because it wasn't true. #masonwyler #hivandaids #houston #texas

Source: Alert! Mason Wyler – Houston, Texas

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