Corey Jaggi

Caution! Corey Jaggi – Plano, Texas

Name: Corey Jaggi
City: Plano, TX USA
Age: 32
Race: White
Height: 7′ 0”
Weight: 250 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Corey Jaggi raped my friend and infected her with HPV. After he told her about his diagnosis she has rejected his advances on social media numerous times. They were friends for two years. They had a fallout and she wanted to work it out and be his friend. She invited him over to talk things over with him. She didn't realize how the medication she was taking for her condition affected her. She was having a hard time staying conscious. He proceeded to touch her thighs, her breasts, and her genitals. She kept telling him no but he continued to touch her. He was all over her and did not respect her personal space. He wore her down even though she mumbled no numerous times. He kept trying to get her aroused without her consent. When she passed out he had his way with her. When she was diagnosed she was devasted and went into a suicidal depression. I confronted him about it and he had no remorse. First he tried to shift the blame to her even though there were messages rejecting his advances. He then confessed and claimed she deserved it because she was subhuman for having a disability. When I mentioned she was afraid of getting cancer he laughed.

Corey Jaggi


I want this POS to pay.

#coreyjaggi #hpv #plano #texas

Source: Caution! Corey Jaggi – Plano, Texas

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