Alicia Procello

Danger! Alicia Procello – Pasadena, California

Name: Alicia Procello
City: Pasadena, CA USA
Age: 51
Race: Black
Height: 5′ 3”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Alicia is the worst type of human being there is, desperately wanting children she would ruin a persons life.
Alicia has lied repeatedly to get what she wants. She lied to my cousin and was not forthcoming about having HERPES, as my cousin told her about having crabs and a wart removed. Alicias first husband Jeff had their marriage annulled after telling him she had HERPES, but Alicia told my cousin she divorced him for not visiting her at college. Nine years later her new fiance Brian broke off their engagement, after Alicia told him she had HERPES. Alicia told my cousin she broke off the engagement as he was cheating on her with white women, while they lived in Boston.
After marrying my cousin and having two sons, Alicia accused my cousin of domestic violence. The Pasadena DA investigated the accusation, but found no evidence of domestic violence and dropped the case. Alicia then had the case moved to Los Angeles courts to be heard before a judge. After investigating the case and speaking with both Pasadena DA and Pasadena Child Protective Service, Los Angeles courts denied Alicia domestic violence finding no truth in her story. Alicia has kept my cousin in custody court every 2012-2021 (excluding 2019), hoping to remove him from the boys lives.
Remaining with Alicia after she gave him HERPES giving her a family when no one else would, we told him he was a fool to do so. Alicia continues to inflict her pain from failed relationships towards my cousin.
#aliciaprocello #genitalherpes #pasadena #california

Source: Danger! Alicia Procello – Pasadena, California

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