shelby  micmilyan

Danger! amanda qassar – san diego, California

Name: amanda qassar
City: san diego, CA USA
Age: 30
Race: Arab
Height: 5′ 8”
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

failed to inform not just me of a herpes infection recieved from someone she met in an aol room and had casual unprotected sex with in a mission valley condo. was with another boyfriend, than at the time, and possibly infected two others (no names). Has also infected bryan.

Also when told of exposure post facto, was dishonest about test dates and history. refuses after being in a five year committed relationship to show any medical records, she may have more than just herpes, would love to talk to anyone who has come into contact with cawingcrows cawwingcrows cawsticcrow [email protected], lestat meeko first two handles with spaces… quite the internet troll lots of handles profiles and emails I never knew existed

bitch has no remorse what so ever and treats men like second class citizens. #amandaqassar #genitalherpes #sandiego #california

Source: Danger! amanda qassar – san diego, California

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