Ann Huston

Danger! Ann Huston – austin, Texas

Name: Ann Huston
City: austin, TX USA
Age: 26
Race: White
Height: 6′ 1”
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

I met ann at a fair. I thought she was very sweet and pretty. We went out for a couple of months. We started having sex the first night. We had sex at least four times a day for sex months. I had heard that ann was very loose. I was in love with her so I pretended that was not true. I started to notice that I had huge bumps on my penis. I asked her about it and she said that she has only been with me so she dosen't know how I got them. a moth later she broke up with me and admitted that she had herpes and gave it to me, #annhuston #genitalherpes #austin #texas

Source: Danger! Ann Huston – austin, Texas

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