Ashley  Champion Horsley

Danger! Ashley Champion Horsley – Morris, Alabama

Name: Ashley Champion Horsley
City: Morris, AL USA
Age: 36
Race: White
Height: 5′ 3”
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Ashley Renee Champion/Horsley has hsv1 and hsv 2 and is knowingly and willingly spreading her stds. She was made full aware of her status and claims she will do nothing about it and will continue to spread it. She cheated on me and when confronted with her hsv status she basically told me so what it wasnt a big deal. She is a disgusting human being please be aware of this horrible behavior my life is now ruined because of her disgusting behavior. She works at Top Golf in Birmingham at the bar so if you see her stay away unless you want your life ruined and a permanent reminder of how disgusting she is. #ashleychampionhorsley #genitalherpes #morris #alabama

Source: Danger! Ashley Champion Horsley – Morris, Alabama

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