Chandra DiMattina

Danger! Chandra DiMattina – Overland Park, Kansas

Name: Chandra DiMattina
City: Overland Park, KS USA
Age: 35
Race: White
Height: 5′ 7”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Chandra DiMattina called me on the phone from outside her doctors office. She had just been informed that her herpes test result had come back positive. She said she had no idea when she contracted it and she was calling everyone she could think of that might have been exposed. #chandradimattina #genitalherpes #overlandpark #kansas

Source: Danger! Chandra DiMattina – Overland Park, Kansas

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