Christopher S. Totoro

Danger! Christopher S. Totoro – Miami, Florida

Name: Christopher S. Totoro
City: Miami, FL USA
Age: 25
Race: White
Height: 5′ 10”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

I first became sexually involved with Christopher S. Totoro last semester at school (Fall 2011). We were both taking classes at the University of Miami, and since we were both studying business/finance, we happened to be in many of the same classes. We had met many times before in the past 2 years, usually through mutual friends, but there was never anything sexual happening between us. Well, last semester in the beginning of October 2011, Chris asked if I would meet him in the library at school to help him study. I was heading there myself, so I didn't think anything of it. We met after class and were working together for about an hour when he confused he had a huge crush on me. I thought he was attractive too. I told him I currently had a boyfriend for the past 3 years. He said it didn't matter, he had a girlfriend named Karolina who he had been with for 6 years. Nothing happened between us that night, but a couple days later he asked if we could hang out again. We ended up having 2 drinks each, and then decided we would split the cost of a hotel room. Chris and I met up to have sex a couple of times after this until I told him I thought my boyfriend was becoming suspicious. #christopherstotoro #genitalherpes #miami #florida

Source: Danger! Christopher S. Totoro – Miami, Florida

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