Donald Chris

Danger! Donald Chris – New York, New York

Name: Donald Chris
City: New York, NY USA
Age: 45
Race: White
Height: 6′ 0”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Donald Chris posted a comment on our Facebook page saying that a Dr. Ncube cured his Herpes. We've got news for Mr. Chris, if that is his real name. There is no cure for Herpes.

Donald Chris appears to be a fake Facebook account created to spam people with STD treatment recommendations, but it could also be a real account that just posts fake reviews for chunk change. Either way someone going by this name on Facebook claims to have been infected with an incurable STD.

Where have no idea where this person is, so we are just listing him as being in New York for now. #donaldchris #genitalherpes #newyork #newyork

Source: Danger! Donald Chris – New York, New York

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