shelby  micmilyan

Danger! John Andre Francois – Henderson Las Vegas, Nevada

Name: John Andre Francois
City: Henderson Las Vegas, NV USA
Age: 43
Race: Black
Height: 5′ 9”
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

I started dating this man in August 2003. Shortly after I was experiencing what I thought were very itchy yeast infections. He tells me that maybe I had Herpes and that I should go get checked. I go get checked. Sure enough I'm diagnosed with Herpes 2. I thought that my ex husband probably gave it to me, because Andre didn't disclose that he had it. We carried on a sexual relationship for 8 years. One time he initiated sex and I told him that I might be having an outbreak, and he continued to have sex. I have since found out that he carried on 2 other relationships during the duration of ours. Both those woman contracted Herpes and HPV, he never disclosed to them that he was infected or had been in a relationship with someone that had it. I also found out that a woman that he was involved with prior to me, called and told him she had herpes. I've also found out that he's been having unprotected sex with multiple women the entire time of knowing him. I called to see if he could be reported and find out if he could be held accountable for his actions only to be told that NV does not charge these type of people. Its a disgrace, that he's permitted to run around ruining lives. He's also been on various dating sites. Women should be warned! By the way he is bald! and this site does not give that option. #johnandrefrancois #genitalherpes #hendersonlasvegas #nevada

Source: Danger! John Andre Francois – Henderson Las Vegas, Nevada

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