Johnny Hooks

Danger! Johnny Hooks – Smackover, Arkansas

Name: Johnny Hooks
City: Smackover, AR USA
Age: 21
Race: White
Height: 5′ 4”
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Some time in early Sept 2011 I met Johnny hooks from smackover AR as a one night stand that turned into 6mo of off and on sex. I never knew anything till it was to late, about a week after visting the shop one night lesions developed on my lips! both face and vaginal lips. i started itching and tingling painfuly followed by redness and blisters. When I tried to talk to him he blew iy off and i was sleeping with someone else and blamed me! just like an ass hole too!! He then asled me to leave and will not return my call. I also know his next fling was infected and told him as well but that did not work out well either. My test show i got HPV and HSV2 ( the herp ) I know he knows but he will not get tested nor tell his fuck buddy that he has STDs ***I KNOW I WAS CLEAN BEFORE I SLEPT WITH JOHNNY HOOKS OF SMACKOVER AR***** #johnnyhooks #genitalherpes #smackover #arkansas

Source: Danger! Johnny Hooks – Smackover, Arkansas

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