Julie  Burns

Danger! Julie Burns – Chicago, Illinois

Name: Julie Burns
City: Chicago, IL USA
Age: 45
Race: White
Height: 5′ 6”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Julie Burns Columbia College Office Of The President who lives on Fargo Ave in Chicago and is for Traverse City Michigan have me Herpes. Julie gets very drunk every night and picks up a different guy and brings him home and has unprotected sex with them. I didn't know that about her until it was too lake. had a check up and was tested for everything and It came back positive for herpes. I'm very upset that she would just have sex with men without a condom or at least tell them. It is a shame that she has been doing this for years and doesn't care how she is affecting others. I can't even date now. I'm worried that I might give it to others. that's what I get by having a one night stand! You never know what type of when you're dealing with. Since I've heard that she has given it to at least three other men. Like me they didn't know she had it and were one night stands. Julie needs to be stopped before she can spread herpes to more me, At the rate that she has one night stands it could be in the hundreds in just a few years. #julieburns #genitalherpes #chicago #illinois

Source: Danger! Julie Burns – Chicago, Illinois

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