Lissa  Greysman

Danger! Lissa Greysman – Dublin, Ohio

Name: Lissa Greysman
City: Dublin, OH USA
Age: 29
Race: White
Height: 5′ 4”
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Myself and my partner engaged in a threesome with above mentioned person. About 3 months after the threesome occured, my partner exhibited sores on their lips. At first we thought it might be a small infection due to the fact that they recently had dental work done. After her doctor took a swab of the area, he informed my partner that they had contracted Herpes. The above mentioned person, failed to give any indication that they had contracted said STD. Myself and my partner believe they are aware that they have said STD based on the fact that after our threesome, they became very distant and the last time we spent time together she claimed she was on her period when in fact, that was not the case. (A good friend of ours and hers confirmed she was not on her period that week). I mention the period because that was her reason to not engage in a threesome at that time. We have come to the assumption that she was going through an outbreak at the time. I am taking it upon myself to inform anyone that checks this site. You can never be too careful. My partner can now not kiss their child, in fear of spreading this STD. It is absolutely shocking what people are capable of. If you know this girl, do not engage in ANY SEXUAL ACTS WITH HER. #lissagreysman #genitalherpes #dublin #ohio

Source: Danger! Lissa Greysman – Dublin, Ohio

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