Miller Good

Danger! Miller Good – New York, New York

Name: Miller Good
City: New York, NY USA
Age: 45
Race: White
Height: 6′ 0”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Miller Good a.k.a. Mark Louisa on Facebook spammed us with a bogus ad claiming that a Dr. Ncube had cured his Herpes. This was around the time that a comment was posted on our page by another paged called "Donald Chris" saying the same thing. It appears this Miller Good profile is behind the Donald Chris page, but the vanity URL says "louisa.mark" so we really don't know who this is or where they are so we just listed him as being in New York.

His message read as follows:

"I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Herpes Virus. Few months back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Herpes. My doctor told me that there's no cure for Herpes I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Herpes Virus, I saw a post of Dr. Ncube a herbal doctor that cured someone from Herpes. I contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via Courier Service and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore, you can contact him on whatsApp +2348169911981 or you can Email: drncubeherbs[at]"

#millergood #genitalherpes #newyork #newyork

Source: Danger! Miller Good – New York, New York

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