shelby  micmilyan

Danger! NICOLE HOLMES – Houston, Texas

City: Houston, TX USA
Age: 20
Race: Black & White
Height: 5′ 5”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Nicole Charmaine Holmes is my roommate and she confessed to me that she has herpes simplex 1&2 which is genital and oral..she also has claymida and hpv..she is passing these dieses to students at Tsu(texas southern university) in houston,tx.she has no remorse in what she is doing and careless about passing such things..she has 3 somes and targest whoever on a regular bases.. someone really needs to put a stop to this asap if someone could help please cause our herpes rate has been on a rise for 2 years now since she came 2 years ago. and she confessed to me she has these things and she dont care about passing it cause when the males find out she gave it them they will be out of her life #nicoleholmes #genitalherpes #houston #texas

Source: Danger! NICOLE HOLMES – Houston, Texas

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