Scott Wellman

Danger! Scott Wellman – Irvine, California

Name: Scott Wellman
City: Irvine, CA USA
Age: 58
Race: White
Height: 5′ 8”
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Scott Wellman lives in a high rise condo building in the city of irvine. He practices law in a small law firm Wellman & Waller LLP ( I met him at a local asian restaurant, Pham 55, and we started seeing each other first casually as friends. He offered to help me with my cousin's eviction where I provided a guarantee, and was on the hook for 8000 dollars. He also told me that he was divorced. After we started seeing each other, I realized that he was dishonest with me, and I ended the relationship. When I experienced symptoms, I contacted him, and he admitted that he had Herpes, but was very careful, and was unlikely the source of my infection. Since I had not been seeing anyone for some time, and my doctor clearly traced the infection to Scott Wellman, I had no doubts that he infected me. Just as importantly, he should have disclosed to me that he had an illness that does not have a cure, and that he was married, and many other things that are beyond the scope of this web site. I hope other people are aware of this man – Scott Wellman. He is not much of a man, and I feel sorry for his wife, and his family. #scottwellman #genitalherpes #irvine #california

Source: Danger! Scott Wellman – Irvine, California

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