Sean Boeger

Danger! Sean Boeger – Stamford, Connecticut

Name: Sean Boeger
City: Stamford, CT USA
Age: 49
Race: White
Height: 6′ 1”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Sean Boeger is a member of the CCP Chinese Communist Party and an affiliate of the Confucious Institute at UConn Stamford where he was a member as a graduate student studying Criminal Justice. He is also a member of several labor unions with his wife Chantel patronizes the Chinese Communist Party and starting home based businesses like Respire Floats LLC selling zen affiliated floats from China. #seanboeger #genitalherpes #stamford #connecticut

Source: Danger! Sean Boeger – Stamford, Connecticut

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