Sheldon Moore

Danger! Sheldon Moore – Nairobi, Nairobi

Name: Sheldon Moore
City: Nairobi, KE
Age: 22
Race: Black
Height: 5′ 2”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure

Sheldon Moore is the name of a Facebook page that posted on one of our Facebook pages that she found some miracle cure to the incurable Herpes virus. These posts are from a page and not a profile. The page is formatted to look like a profile but it really is just a page. We have this name and this picture which are probably fake. We entered guesses as to all other information beyond someone claiming to be this individual admitting to having an incurable STD and claiming to have found a cure.

Obviously we got the race, gender, eye color, and hair color from the photo. Guessing by the outfit we think she is somewhere in Africa because that is where most of these fake testimonials come from. We are short on listings for Kenya so we basically threw an imaginary dart at a map of the continent and chose Kenya. #sheldonmoore #genitalherpes #nairobi #nairobi

Source: Danger! Sheldon Moore – Nairobi, Nairobi

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