Susan Kingston

Danger! Susan Kingston – Berwick, Pennsylvania

Name: Susan Kingston
City: Berwick, PA USA
Age: 30
Race: White
Height: 5′ 7”
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Her boyfriend whom she got Genital Herpes from left her in May of 08. She doesn't want to admit it. She is looking to fill the void of love thru sex. She refuses to tell anyone because she knows they wouldn't touch her if they know. There is a possiblity she is bi-polar, she has extreme mood swings from very high happy to very low of suicidal depression. #susankingston #genitalherpes #berwick #pennsylvania

Source: Danger! Susan Kingston – Berwick, Pennsylvania

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