shelby  micmilyan

Notice! Guy Luongo – Williamstown, New Jersey

Name: Guy Luongo
City: Williamstown, NJ USA
Age: 55
Race: White
Height: 5′ 7”
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Gray
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Not Sure
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

Thank you for sharing the posts on here. –

He has been contacting me for years. I would like to take this opportunity to validate mostly everything that has been said bc I lived the nightmare too. Guy is unstable and does not have the capacity to tell the truth. Through the years I have watched him go through several legal domestic situations. (plural more than 1 person, in more than 1 state) There is a similar pattern with quite a few women. Where Guy tries to use whoever he has his claws into at the time as a scapegoat man or woman. Guy always needs attention and will do anything to get it. Florida was mentioned also, see the # of police reports in Williamstown, NJ filed by him. You will find reports about his father, children, former employees and the list goes on. Guy almost always threatens to or gets the police involved in anything he can he seeks attention. He has to make a huge deal of things and will go to the extent of lying to the police to achieve that to harass people. He is insane and has been charged with false police reporting. Guy also files restraining orders and violates the orders he initiates. He is unhealthy to those closest to him. He has a compulsion to lie. I have watched him lie about the smallest to the most vial things you can image. 1 time of many I watched him call his Aunt B and tell her he was out alone and his daughter was home alone neither of which were true. He will lie about the stupidest things to horrible things most people could not imagine anyone doing. If a grown man is in the right frame of mind, he is not going to lie. A grown man would also have a spine and not lie to his aunt to appease whoever he needs to.Guy has trashed talked his family and friends to me numerous times he is 2 faced and I should not have ever been so nave to someone so un-loyal. Guy will trash talk when he is looking for something. Money for drugs, sex, attention positive/negative for his narc supply.
#guyluongo #hepatitisc #williamstown #newjersey

Source: Notice! Guy Luongo – Williamstown, New Jersey

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  1. Guy is nothing but a predator an awful human being. Guy is not even human he’s a fucking monster.

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