Danger! Billy Bob Thorton – San Francisco, California

Danger! Billy Bob Thorton – San Francisco, California

Name: Billy Bob ThortonCity: San Francisco, CA USAAge: 23Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 160 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure He got it. #billybobthorton #genitalherpes #sanfrancisco #california Source: Danger! Billy Bob Thorton – San Francisco, California

Alert! Natasha Brunstein – New York, New York

Alert! Natasha Brunstein – New York, New York

Name: Natasha BrunsteinCity: New York, NY USAAge: 25Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 4”Weight: 95 lbs. Eye Color: HazelHair Color: Dark BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has not failed to notify someone before exposure Natasha Beinstein is an Israeli terrorist who plans to commit Jihad (Holy War) against every ape non-Jew believer. Her bass is full of chlamydia…

Danger! Chineka Bailey – Nashville, Tennessee

Danger! Chineka Bailey – Nashville, Tennessee

Name: Chineka BaileyCity: Nashville, TN USAAge: 23Race: BlackHeight: 5′ 8”Weight: 210 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: Not SureDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure She slept with this guy who's name I do not know and then they did not tell her that they had it but then she…

Danger! Christina Miller maiden name siska – Lincoln, California

Danger! Christina Miller maiden name siska – Lincoln, California

Name: Christina Miller maiden name siskaCity: Lincoln, CA USAAge: 33Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 3”Weight: 135 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: RedGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure Had a break out, and when i asked she said it was a fever blister and that she has been sick for awhile….

Danger! dana cedoz – northwood, Ohio

Danger! dana cedoz – northwood, Ohio

Name: dana cedozCity: northwood, OH USAAge: 28Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 130 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Light BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure cheated on me and didnt admit it until she had an out break and found out she had herpies and still waited several months to…

Alert! Jermaine Thomas Harris – Waynesboro, Georgia

Alert! Jermaine Thomas Harris – Waynesboro, Georgia

Name: Jermaine Thomas HarrisCity: Waynesboro, GA USAAge: 31Race: BlackHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 180 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: UnknownSexual Orientation: Not SureDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure This man is a rapist. Ladies beware. Does not like to use condoms at all. Will sleep with you for money, food, clothing, and…

Warning! test test – test, Texas

Warning! test test – test, Texas

Name: test testCity: test, TX USAAge: 36Race: ArabHeight: 4′ 1”Weight: 80 lbs. Eye Color: AmberHair Color: Dark BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: GayDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure testasdfasdfadfadfa asdf adfadfadf asdf adf asdf adf adf adf asdf asdf adf adf adf adfa dfaf adfa dfadfaerwert wertwertvwertvwertvwertwvertwertvwert testasdfasdfadfadfa asdf adfadfadf asdf adf asdf…

Warning! Jennifer  Kleemen – Willard, Missouri

Warning! Jennifer Kleemen – Willard, Missouri

Name: Jennifer KleemenCity: Willard, MO USAAge: 25Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 4”Weight: 140 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure This person slept with both myself and my ex and gave both of us hpv. She has a history of sleeping around and fails to…

Caution! adrian hogg – chicago, Illinois

Caution! adrian hogg – chicago, Illinois

Name: adrian hoggCity: chicago, IL USAAge: 30Race: BlackHeight: 5′ 7”Weight: 185 lbs. Eye Color: HazelHair Color: BlackGender: MaleSexual Orientation: Not SureDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure He confessed to me about the infection. Also he has sex without protection. He has failed to get check ups and I'm sure he still…

Caution! Michael Blumin – North Miami Beach, Florida

Caution! Michael Blumin – North Miami Beach, Florida

Name: Michael BluminCity: North Miami Beach, FL USAAge: 34Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 9”Weight: 160 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure If you plan on having sex with Michael Blumin of North Miami Beach, FL…then you should use a condom. He has infected several of…