Alert! Josh  McPherson – Los Angeles, California

Alert! Josh McPherson – Los Angeles, California

Name: Josh McPhersonCity: Los Angeles, CA USAAge: 32Race: WhiteHeight: 6′ 0”Weight: 165 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: GayDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure JOSH MCPHERSON IS A FUN LOVING, ATTRACTIVE, VERY LIKEABLE PERSON. HE HAS LIVED IN ATLANTA, NEW YORK CITY, AND LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA (CURRENTLY). JOSH…

Danger! Joseph Thomas – Scranton, Pennsylvania

Danger! Joseph Thomas – Scranton, Pennsylvania

Name: Joseph ThomasCity: Scranton, PA USAAge: 21Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 10”Weight: 120 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: GayDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure he told me. #josephthomas #genitalherpes #scranton #pennsylvania Source: Danger! Joseph Thomas – Scranton, Pennsylvania

Danger! Mikey Coppola DJ COPPOLA – Ft Lauderdale, Florida

Danger! Mikey Coppola DJ COPPOLA – Ft Lauderdale, Florida

Name: Mikey Coppola DJ COPPOLACity: Ft Lauderdale, FL USAAge: 28Race: WhiteHeight: 6′ 2”Weight: 185 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure Mikey is a cheater that cheats on his gf left and right. He tells her lies to keep her with him because…

Danger! Joann  briscoe – selah, Washington

Danger! Joann briscoe – selah, Washington

Name: Joann briscoeCity: selah, WA USAAge: 20Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 5”Weight: 170 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Light BrownGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: BisexualDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure she passed it to me thanx alot #joannbriscoe #genitalherpes #selah #washington Source: Danger! Joann briscoe – selah, Washington

Caution! Michael Hufschmid – San Marcos, Texas

Caution! Michael Hufschmid – San Marcos, Texas

Name: Michael HufschmidCity: San Marcos, TX USAAge: 22Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 8”Weight: 165 lbs. Eye Color: AmberHair Color: BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure He told one of his best friends about testing for it. He didn't see me right behind him but his friend did. He got it…

Caution! Leigh Hill – Florence, Alabama

Caution! Leigh Hill – Florence, Alabama

Name: Leigh HillCity: Florence, AL USAAge: 29Race: WhiteHeight: 6′ 0”Weight: 225 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: Dark BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure Leigh is a carrier of HPV. He has unprotected sex with woman and they are later diagnosed with HPV(wart free)……………………………………. #leighhill #hpv #florence #alabama Source:…

Alert! Nicholas Serzynski – Lindenhurst, Illinois

Alert! Nicholas Serzynski – Lindenhurst, Illinois

Name: Nicholas SerzynskiCity: Lindenhurst, IL USAAge: 23Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 9”Weight: 155 lbs. Eye Color: BlueHair Color: BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: GayDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure This guy is a real skeez – lies about his HIV status because he is angry he got it. He got it from having unprotected sex…

Caution! Robert Blalock – St. Louis, Missouri

Caution! Robert Blalock – St. Louis, Missouri

Name: Robert BlalockCity: St. Louis, MO USAAge: 23Race: BlackHeight: 6′ 3”Weight: 220 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownGender: MaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure He LOVES to have unprotected sex and his latest victim wont believe me #robertblalock #hpv #stlouis #missouri Source: Caution! Robert Blalock – St. Louis,…

Caution! eve olsen – ft lauderdale , Florida

Caution! eve olsen – ft lauderdale , Florida

Name: eve olsenCity: ft lauderdale , FL USAAge: 46Race: WhiteHeight: 5′ 3”Weight: 125 lbs. Eye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackGender: FemaleSexual Orientation: StraightDisclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure she is my husbands mistress, my husband passed hpv to me and now too her #eveolsen #hpv #ftlauderdale #florida Source: Caution! eve olsen –…