shelby  micmilyan

Warning! Todd Coulson – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Name: Todd Coulson
City: Oklahoma City, OK USA
Age: 45
Race: White
Height: 5′ 9”
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Disclosure History: Has failed to inform someone prior to exposure

I briefly dated a man named Todd Coulson. He never told me he had HPV or genital warts. When I developed the disease, I was shocked because he was 40 years old, a father of two, and an active – reserve officer in the United Stated Army. One night after sex, I noticed the warts on him but when I asked about it, he told me they'd been there for years therefore, they must not be genital warts but as a military medic, I knew what they were. I went to the doctor the next day to be tested and it came back positive for HPV. I was so pissed but thank God, they went away on their own which they usually do however, for women it can cause cervical cancer. Last I heard, he married the (20 something) girl that he cheated on me with and she had no idea he had an STD. Knowing him, his marriage (marriage #4) won't last so ladies……….RUN HARD if you meet Todd Coulson. #toddcoulson #genitalwarts #oklahomacity #oklahoma

Source: Warning! Todd Coulson – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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